- Download the desired data file. Take a mental note of where you save the file. In the examples, a comprehensive chart file was used.
- Note: the file will download in zipped state.
- Unzip the file (double click zipped file, then copy contents to the parent folder)
- Open Microsoft Excel
- Select Blank Workbook
- Go to File
- Click 'Browse'
- Go to the directory that you saved the desired data file to (Example This PC / Documents)
- Double-click the desired file, or highlight by single left-click and then click 'Open'
A Text Import Wizard will appear, in the 'Original data type' section, change the radial button that is highlighting 'Fixed width' to be instead set for 'Delimited'
- Click 'Next'
On the next step of the Text Import Wizard, you'll need to uncheck the box for 'Tab' and then ensure that a check is only in place for the 'Comma' box.
- Click 'Next'
- No need to make changes on the 3rd and final page of the Text Import Wizard, so click 'Finish'
When finished with the steps above, the data should be populated within the spreadsheet. If you need to change the headers to numbers to match the data file structures, click file, then options. Next click "formulas" then on the right, under the "working with formulas" sections, check the "R1C1 reference style".