When is a W2-G generated?
Please note we are required by law to report to the IRS on form W2-G all wagering transactions which:
- Return a payoff of $600 or more if the winnings are at least 300 times the ticket price.
- Return a payoff of $5000 or more if the winnings are at least 300 times the ticket price.
- Payoffs meeting this second condition are automatically taxed by the Track at the standard rate of 24%.
W2-G Summary Statements:
- Summarizes all reportable wagers and taxes withheld (if applicable).
- Mailed annually by January 31st for the prior year.
To view or print your W2-Gs online:
- Select "Account History " from the dropdown menu after selecting the user icon
- Choose "tax documents"
- Select the year Individual reports will be available for view / download / print.
To view or print your Win/Loss Statement online:
- Select "Account History " from the dropdown menu after selecting the user icon
- From the calendars, choose "January 1" and "December 31" of the preferred year.
- Your profit and loss information will be on the right.
W2G information is not available on either the Android or IOS apps.