There can be several reasons why you may not have received your Derby promotion/bonus. Please use the list below to see how you can check on your promotion. After reviewing your promotion, if you believe you should have received the promotional credit, please reach out of us.
1/ Check to make sure you opted into the promotion or bonus. Be sure to look at the date and time, make sure you opt in before making your wagers/deposit. You can do this by looking in your active or completed offers.
2/ Review the terms and conditions of the promotion. These can include being your first win wager, only being a certain bet type or race, cancelled wagers not counting, etc. Be sure to read all of the conditions.
3/ Check when the promotion/bonus should pay out. Promotions and bonuses can vary when they will pay out. You can see these in the terms and conditions.
4/ Check your wagers as well as the race results to make sure your wager qualified for the bonus/promotion. Wagers can be found under the account history as well as the promotional credits received from them. Here is a link to the race results:
Be sure to select the track and race you need.